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Pre-emptively Peremptory? | Case by Case (Ep. 73)
With Luke deep in hearing prep this week, Calum was joined by Miguel to look at a (slightly speculative…) attempt to use the wording of the LMAA Small Claims procedure to bar a claim.
A quick fire one this week – but a snapshot into an interesting maritime law point, London Arbitration 9/23.
Miguel Caballero Lectures on P&I to Maritime Law Masters Students of the University of Deusto
Caballero (lecturer), “Introduction to P&I”, University of Deusto Maritime Law Masters Program, 2022.
Miguel Caballero Speaks at VI Jornadas de Seguro Marítimo y Portuario
Caballero (speaker), VI Jornadas de Seguro Marítimo y Portuario, Cartagena de Indias/Colombia, 19-21.02.2020.
Miguel Caballero Speaks at Congreso Nacional Asociación Española Derecho Marítimo 2019
Caballero (speaker), Congreso Nacional Asociación Española Derecho Marítimo, Madrid/Spain, 13-14.06.2019.
Miguel Caballero Authors Chapter in Spanish Ship Contracts Book
Caballero (author), “Los clubes de protección e indemnización (P&I)”, Los contratos sobre el buque en Derecho español. Análisis práctico (Ed. Dykinson), 2018.
Miguel Caballero Lectures on P&I Insurance at Essex University
Caballero (lecturer), “Introduction to P&I Insurance”, University of Essex/UK, February 2018.
Miguel Caballero Speaks at the Congreso Nacional Asociación Española Derecho Marítimo
Caballero (speaker), Congreso Nacional Asociación Española Derecho Marítimo, Madrid/Spain, 15-16.06.2017